Keep an Eye on the Weather: Hurricane Tracker

Our COVID-19 Commitment: Seeing You Through to Recovery

Our COVID-19 Commitment
Respectful of this difficult time, we continue to take the necessary steps to protect our families, friends, colleagues, customers, and clients. To continue to safeguard our operations we are carefully monitoring information from the Centers for Disease Control and World Health Organization and taking precautions and measures to put safety first. We are prepared and committed to meeting your needs during these challenging times.

It is not an understatement to say that the Covid-19 pandemic has touched all of our lives beyond anything that most of us have ever experienced. This impact also extends to those connected with the insurance world, and those who rely upon it to protect against risk. In terms of scale, and comparison with other world-impacting events of recent time, market reports estimate the underwriting losses associated with Covid-19 will surpass the collective cost to the insurance market following hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria in 2017 (some $92bn).

Aside from the volume of claims being submitted, it is clear that much thought will be needed as to the extent to which cover may or may not apply for Covid-19 related losses. If so, consideration will also have to be given to the extent to which the policy would respond. Fundamentally, the answers to both questions start with the facts, and this is where Adjusteck can help.

Recognising the challenges for insurers in these difficult times, we have adapted our work practices to allow us to safely continue to provide insurers and reinsurers with a comprehensive range of claim investigation services to establish the facts of the case under your review. We have access to people and resources combined with advanced remote working and technology-based solutions, wherever you might need it. Our technology includes innovative geospatial and aerial surveying, virtual claims handling, and data management software, all of which are key to a modern, forward-thinking loss adjustment service.

Please reach out to us  – we are here to help.



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