Catastrophic (CAT) Claims

Catastrophes have devastating and wide-reaching effects on both individuals and businesses. Rarely can we control how disasters impact us and the world around us, but we can always control how we react when they occur. As a forensic accounting firm, we efficiently assist insurers in assessing claim value to ensure that claims are paid out efficiently and accurately in the wake of a catastrophic event. This is a perfect scenario where our Stratis AI platform provides a quick turnaround report for claims or reserves on a flat fee basis.

As a forensic accounting firm, our primary concern is to ensure that claims are paid out efficiently
and accurately in the wake of a catastrophic event.


We are prepared to assist in determining what our client’s needs may be and adapt as the crisis evolves.


We have the wherewithal to balance your needs with the numerous challenges involved in the aftermath of a catastrophe.


We strive to generate a consistent work product for each claim, and this starts with a well-defined workflow.

Coverage Determination

We work with you from the onset to ensure consistent application of policy particulars and reduce ambiguity down the road.

Efficiency and Accuracy

Even in the face of catastrophe and chaos, our goal remains introducing efficiency and accuracy to the claims handling process.

CAT Response 2020

Insurance Industry Town Hall Series

Technology Advances in Forensic Accounting

Wide Area Damage and the "But For" Test

August 5

Watch On Demand

Utility Interruption and Unexpected Sides of BI

September 2

Watch On Demand

Hurricanes And Hospitality: Assessing The Impact

September 16

Watch On Demand

Best Practices in Claims Prep and Handling a CAT

October 7

Watch On Demand

My CAT Claim Is in Litigation – Now What?

September 16

Watch On Demand

Featured Resources

Stratis Review

WHITEPAPER: 5 Keys to Successful Claims Accounting for Catastrophic Events

Our Team

Danielle Gardiner, CPA, CFF

Executive Vice President – Director of Insurance Services

Carlos A. Rivera, CFE, MAFF

Senior Vice President, Caribbean & Latin America

Kaye D. Shelton, CPA

Senior Vice President

Our forensics professionals are here to help you.

Insights About CAT and Wide Area Damages

Can Technology Rescue CAT Claims Accounting?

How do you deliver at scale during a CAT event, such as a hurricane? Technology has a clear role to play. But is forensic technology ready to take over to the extent that other AI and machine learning…

Will the 2020 Hurricane Season Add Insult to Injury?

2020 has taught us that preparedness is crucial. We’ve seen plenty of examples this year of companies, industries, and communities that were prepared for a pandemic like COVID-19. And plenty…

The Wide Impact of Wide Area Damages: A Forensic Accounting Perspective

Wide impact disasters present unique challenges for settling business interruption claims. In this blog, we’ll explore what those obstacles are and highlight how the insurance industry is…

Request Information

Our forensics professionals are here to help you. To get started, reach out to us with an explanation of the services you are requesting as well as the best way to reach you. To send us your request via email, use the form below.

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