5 Methods to Manage Today’s Healthcare Security Environment [SlideShare]

Healthcare security professionals today are directly impacted by the reality of a rapidly changing environment. The security function, as with many others, is being asked to do more with less, while addressing a frightening range of new and increasing threats.

How can you more effectively manage today’s healthcare security environment? Our latest SlideShare presentation outlines five methods:

  1. Technology – In general, security professionals must do a better job of integrating technology into their work.
  2. Standard of Work – Maintain a high standard of quality among your staff. Look for the right combination of work, person, and department. Look at alternative ways to work with contracted security.
  3. Data Analysis – Know where you stand, and keep track of crime in your facility. Track the number and range of calls for service. Perform periodic risk assessments to ensure you are keeping pace with issues that may impact your ongoing efforts.
  4. Training – It is vital to keep your security staff up to date with today’s changing environment. Implement continual education programs that are competency based and customer focused. Consider training specifically around violence prevention, active assailant threats, and emergency preparedness.
  5. Strategic Plan – Bring security into the overall strategic framework of your healthcare organization. Create a strategic plan that covers your long term mission and goals, financial targets, and resource allocation. The plan should cover a 5 to 10 year period.

Learn more about the future of healthcare security by flipping through this SlideShare presentation:

If you have questions about your own security program, explore our healthcare risk management services or contact Lowers & Associates here.

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