[Infographic] The Impact of Workplace Violence

workplace violence infographic

Violence in the workplace undeniably affects the individuals who are directly attacked. But the impact also extends far beyond these direct victims to co-workers, clients, executives, shareholders and even out to the community. There are direct losses related to medical bills, workers’ comp and legal fees, as well as indirect losses reflected in diminished productivity, low morale and negative publicity – all of which can damage a company’s reputation long-term. The impact is extensive and can carry a tremendous cost.

“It is not just the victims, who are injured… the workplace also pays a price with disengaged performance and increased health risks… It is imperative, to the business bottom-line, that employees are protected…” — The Roadmap to Mental Health and Excellence at Work, 2005

Prevention is key.

Learn about what constitutes workplace violence, who is at the greatest risk, and what can be done to proactively predict, prevent, and quickly recover from incidents in our latest infographic.

Take proactive action today, starting with the facts:

workplace violence prevention
Courtesy of: Lowers Risk Group

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