[Infographic] Violence in the CIT Industry: Current Trends

Robberies of armored CIT vehicles are a real risk faced by companies and their drivers. Violent robberies, which involve physical assault, guns, chemical sprays, and even murder, are quite another. Violent robberies are on the rise and have become a prevalent concern for armored carriers, even more so than in banks. The phenomenon is profound: while violent bank robberies occur in only 3.5% of all robberies, 49% of armored car robberies involve a violent act.

Armored car operators and personnel face a dual threat, as both the number of robberies and the presence of violence are on the rise. Strides have been taken to address these safety concerns, including the Hobbs Act, which establishes armored car robbery as a federal crime. However, findings indicate that this legal amendment has failed to deter the most violent criminals.

It is paramount for CIT operators to proactively address this rising threat. In our latest infographic, we present the most up-to-date research on armored car robberies and offer 8 ways to combat the threat of violent robberies.

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